Good Things On the Horizon

Happy Summer 2024!

I'm reaching out with a quick update on what's ahead for me musically. It’s fair to say I’ve been “under wraps” for a few years when it comes to performing or releasing music. But despite outward appearances, music has been moving just beneath the surface. Here’s what’s happening …

A New Record

I've been working on writing around a theme, more or less, since 2019 and recording along the way. The recording process began to accelerate towards the end of 2023, working both in my Lava Lounge home studio and at Mackinaw Harvest with Michael Crittenden in Grand Rapids. I don’t have a release date yet, but I can say that the record is getting close to being done musically. How do you release a record nowadays anyway?

A New Band

In addition to my solo writing and recording, I've been making music with a group of talented Michigan musicians, including Caroline Barlow of The North Carolines, and Tony Pace/Daniel Andrews, formerly of Cold Tone Harvest. We're calling ourselves Lucky 17 and have been engaged in finding our sound throughout the past few months. It's been a very cool process, with lots of good vibes that I trust will shine through our music. We recently recorded a song called "New Heart" that will be included on an upcoming benefit album from I Understand Love Heals. I Understand Love Heals is a non-profit organization that works on behalf of those struggling with mental health issues.

You can learn more about them here:

Also, you can hear a preview of "New Heart" here:

Playing Live Once Again

I can’t speak for the rest of the world, but Michigan has seemed warmer of late. So too goes my inner climate. I find myself thawing from a long winter of writing and feeling the itch to perform again, both solo and with Lucky 17.

Check out my upcoming shows here!


Readers of My Non-Linear Life can expect to see some new content in the near future. The state of the world in recent years—not to mention my own personal journey—has kept me from releasing new music and blog posts. However, with all the changes happening around us, I feel a strong desire to help shift the focus away from the negative aspects of the modern world. This is not to say that everything happening is uplifting, but to highlight that there are seeds of positivity germinating. It seems like a very good time to bring such things into focus!

Stay tuned! I’ll be in touch soon!

Americana Singer Songwriter Ed Dupas’ lived-in melodies unwind with reflective lyrics that speak to the current state of the human condition. Soothing where possible, agitating where necessary, and calling for change where appropriate. Ed Dupas creates and shares well worn wide awake music.

For more information about music, shows, merchandise and Ed, visit: